Student Grievance Redressal     +91-9990044909


Office Order Regarding SGRC & Ombudsperson

Center for Distance and Online Education (CDOE), Jagan Nath University, has very keen interest in welfare of the student who has been enrolled in ODL/OL mode, as students are not regular in university campus. For better serving to the students SDLOE has created students Grievance Redressal Mechanism. This mechanism will help students to redress their grievance related to academic and administrative matters. This cell shall comprise of a of Student Support Manager, Concerned department coordinators, and Director as per the nature of grievance.

Online Grievance Redressal Mechanism :

For this purpose we have online and offline Grievance Redressal Mechanism :

Relevant grievances from the Learners being received from online mode through mail on or Students can register their grievance by filling redressal grievance form available on portal. After receiving the grievance the student support manager will resolve the general grievance within 24/48 hours on the top priority, or in case of academic grievance it will be transferred to the person concern. The person concern will resolve the grievance within 48 hours via e-mail/phone/massage.

Offline Grievance Redressal Mechanism :

When the learners visit the university in person, the student support manager will attend the learners and issue the grievance form in which the learners will notify their grievances. The student support manager will send the form to the respective person concern depending upon the nature of the grievance. The person concern will resolve the grievance within 48 hours via e-mail/phone/massage. Otherwise it will be resolved using the available information in case of general grievances within a day by student support manager.

Online Grievance Redressal Mechanism :

  • To redress the students' grievances without any intervening time.
  • To enrich the students' grievance mechanism with a high success rate.
  • To generate coordination among learner, student support manager and departments in order to redress the grievances.
  • To support the aggrieved students who are deprived of the services of the University for which he/she is entitled.
  • To ensure effective solution to the student grievances with an impartial and fair approach.

Grievance Redressal Form!