
Centre for Distance and Online Education (CDOE)

Centre for Distance and Online Education (CDOE)

The Centre for Distance and Online Education (CDOE), Jagan Nath University has been established and approved by Distance Education Council and UGC-DEB. The Centre is well equipped with computers and other infrastructure, adequate teaching faculty and administrative set-up of its own. to serve its students clientele in their best interest at their door steps.

The Online & Distance learning programs of Jagan Nath University has :

  • Sector-specific and job-oriented.
  • Modern up-to-date curriculum.
  • Lateral entry as per NEP 2020.
  • Effective Personal Contact Programme.
  • Adequate virtual training for skill based courses.
  • Samester Based Academic Delivery & Examination System.
  • As per UGC 4 Quadrant approach.
  • 24/7 Academic Support

Design and Structure of the Program

Distance education simply means imparting education from a distance wherein the teacher and the student are physically separated. In terms of design and structure the common features of Bachelors and Masters degree programs as mentioned :

      The medium of instruction is Hindi & English. The methodology includes:

    • Learning Management System (LMS)
    • Internet-supported Audio/Video courseware.
    • Virtual classrooms through on-line teaching & training.
    • Video conferencing through GoogleMeet/Zoom.
    • Audiovisual of multimedia products.
    • CD/DVDs versions of distance learning courseware.

Comprehensive Course Content

Comprehensive courseware will be supplied to all the candidates. Each book is divided into units. Each unit is written in self-instructional style and consists of introduction, objectives. Structures of units main contents self test activities and suggested reading. In addition students will be encouraged to refer recommended books, E-learning materials wherever necessary.


Assignments are an integral component of Online & distance education. The assignments are uploaded on to the website during each session to be submitted by the students. Assignments serve the purpose of evaluation of the student's performance. The Faculty Members will evalute the student's performance

Academic Support

Counseling is an important activity in Online & distance education and is entirely different from usual classroom teaching. The faculty Members answer questions during counseling sessions besides clarifying doubts of students and helping them to overcome difficulties they face while going through the study material. These counseling sessions also offers students an opportunity to interact with their peers.

Practical Training

Depending upon the structure of the subject a required amount of practical training is imparted to the students through online and also during the Personal Contact Programme (PCP) Program. Practical training is necessary in order to understand the real & practical aspects/implications of that particular subject.

Learning Managament System (LMS)

LMS Platform has been built to help learners reach their potential in their chosen program. It is a secure, reliable and user friendly learning experience tool that works consistently on Web and Mobile devices.

It is simple interface make site a easy for instructors to design courses, create content and grade assignments. It provides a great mobile experience due to the responsive design which is paired with purpose-built native apps. It provides seamless accessibility to ensure all tools are standards-compliant and easy for students to navigate using assistive technologies. It provides 24 X 7 learning experience to facilitate learning as per the pace chosen by learners. Digital portfolio functionality allows students to document and share their learning journey more effective.

Teaching Methodology

The University follows a unique pedagogy for the courses offered through online & distance mode. So that students can learn with latitude and empathy: The pedagogy has emphasis on :

  • Clear conceptual understanding of subject through Discussion Forum contact classes
  • Reinforcement of learned concepts through case studies and video-audio contents in an organised form.
  • Wide range of human skills and techniques for creative thinking & decision making.
  • Practice through assignment and projects.
  • Communication skills leadership & Teamwork skills gained through various group activities.
  • Clarification on a real time basis by the course coordinator and his team through Discussion forum